We got extremely lucky on our voyage around the infamous Isla Hornos. Sunny skies and calm seas allowed us to load up the zodiacs and put our dry feet on the last piece of earth before Antarctica. This small remote island and the waters around it are filled with rich Maritime history. Both devastating loss and extraordinary feats of human achievement and there we were floating gently by in our rubber dinghies watching seals bask in the sun. One of the guides named Enzo looked at me and said ”I’ve never seen so many smiling faces on the horn. 2 years, what a day”. It felt surreal, I almost felt cheated that we had it so easy. Then he reminded me that with the weather being so nice we would be doing something they only get to do a few times a season. Get on the ship and sail into the Drake’s Passage and circumvent the true end of the earth… the notorious Cape Horn. How could we not enjoy this blessing?