
Meet “Kind-Horn” an Icelandic Ram from the farm at Nýpugarđar Guesthouse. I named him because of how kind he was to trot over and let me take his portrait while the thousands of others I saw on the trip would simply run away. What amazes me about the Icelandic sheep is that they carry the same genetics as the sheep from over 1100 years ago when they were brought over from Norway. It is a common theme here that history prevails everywhere you look.


Gođafoss “waterfall of the gods”

Thorgeir Ljosvetningagodi was the lawspeaker in the year 999/1000 when Iceland’s legislative assembly was debating on which religion to practice. The Norse Paganism or Christianity. Thorgeir himself was a Pagan priest and chieftain but after a day and night of meditation he decided in favour of Christianity. It is said that when he returned home he took his idols of his gods and threw them over this waterfall for which is now known as Gođafoss “the waterfall of the gods”.


Gođafoss- Iceland


We visited numerous glaciers while in Iceland and the experience will stay with me forever, especially hearing the valley echo with the sounds of the ice calving away. I have always been a firm believer in climate change but standing on a glacier and seeing the amount it has receded in recent years was truly eye opening. The Sólheimajökull glacier pictured here has receded over 1 km since 1995 and is far thinner as you can see.

Sólheimajökull – Iceland
