”You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.” – Jimi Hendrix
I share who I am and what I think. Some say it’s crazy but I’d rather be crazy and real then normal and fake.
Be you and be crazy today, it’s refreshing and outright fun!
”To contemplate is to look at shadows” – Victor Hugo
As I was setting up this shot I was originally trying to wait for a moment without people’s shadows. That idea changed when I saw a group walking up and I thought it may look better if I could catch them right in the middle of the pole. Bingo bango the perfect reminder to always contemplate the shadows!
Bronte Marina – Oakville, Ontario
”There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.” – George Carlin
In old Norse mythology the Moon (Máni) and Sun (Sól) are being chased by wolves and run through the heavons each day to count the years for man. One day the wolves will catch and devour them both signalling that Ragnarök has come upon us. I have been researching a lot about the Pagan gods of old along with the writings of 13th century Viking Saga’s and it is amazing to see how well documented it is. Such rich stories mixed with historical events, how can you not get lost in them? What are you reading or researching?
Arkendo Park – Oakville, Ontario
Habits are the structure that holds your day together. Good and bad, they are what you make of them. I had a goal of shooting more B&W so I decided on a smaller goal of posting one black and white for every two colour photos. I have quite enjoyed turning it into a habit this year. What habits have you formed out of a goal this year? How did you make sure it happened?
Chedokee Falls – Hamilton, Ontario